They have gotten themselves into a terrible mess. The Democratic Party has turned their fate over to uncertainty because they have allied themselves with less than moderate people. Many people complain about how the Republican Party listens to religious voters a lot these days. Whether it is true or not, there is another side to this issue you might not notice as much. If the Republicans Party is supposedly listening to religious voters more and more in this day and age, then there can be no doubt the Democratic Party is listening to the far left wing of this country.
Case in point: Senator Joe Lieberman. The senator from Connecticut, one of the few Democratic senators I respect, is fighting in the primaries against Ned Lamont, a white guy. Mr. Lamont touts himself as a Democrat “…who will stand up for Connecticut and stand up for our progressive democratic values.” Now in most political circles, progressive is still a title that one does not want to shoulder. However, this politician believes he will win with such a title. Whether he will win or not is not the point, however. If Senator Lieberman fails in the Democratic primaries, he has stated he will run under the banner of an independent. This is all fine and groovy; however, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, a moderate with rightward leanings (if you can believe her talk), has stated she will not support such a candidacy by Senator Lieberman.
Consider what this means for just a moment. If Mrs. Clinton does not support Senator Lieberman and instead pledges her support for Mr. Lamont, a man who is an anti-war progressive, it shows us that all of Mrs. Clinton’s tough talk on the war is as dependable as Windows ME. In fact, such support for a progressive should send off warning flags to the country that Mrs. Clinton is in fact as liberal as “foaming at the mouth” Randi Rhodes and The Daily Kos. Of course, if you listened to her, you would think she is simply a moderate politician who happens to have been associated with very liberal policies in the past.
Without a doubt, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is in league with the far left. That is why the Democratic Party is in a mess. Mrs. Clinton’s positions demonstrate one of two possible situations she and the Democratic Party find themselves in today. She is either part of the far left or she is terrified of this new powerful political body within the Democratic Party. I suspect she is a far left politician naturally, but it shows you that even she cannot escape their grasp. The far left is far more powerful in fact that the religious right when it comes right down to it. When was the last time you saw Republicans as a whole actually doing what religious conservatives wanted them to do?
Whether or not Lieberman wins his reelection (personally, I doubt he will), the point here is that you must watch who your politician supports. Looking at these type of facts will point you toward the real intent of someone like Hillary Clinton. Time will tell whether Mrs. Clinton’s deception holds for the 2008 elections. Whether it does or not, however, the Democratic Party will have to deal with this ever growing problem of being controlled by radio show hosts who have audiences that can barely support them in the ratings.
Anther fine lesson from Conservative Textbook.
Ukraine: Screw’em; Russia: Compromise them to Shut Up
Let’s explain this like a parent. You have 3 kids in the house and it’s
quiet, is it possible ...
What happened here?
Lol... I love watching them implode.
Good read and right on...
Hey man, how's school and all going? I've been real busy. I finally updated my blog, though. I'm gonna try and stay on top of that.
Love your blog, you are doing a great job! Come by my blog, check things out and sign my guestbook or make a comment. Have a great day!
Glad to see you've stopped wasting your time blathering on about things you don't understand. Study up and maybe someday you'll get a grip on this stuff.
you need to read noam chomsky. this iraq war now costs 400 billion and with the medical bills that we will soon have to pay, the price might eventually reach a trillion. if you divide that by how many al quada terrorists we have killed (3,000?) since only about 4% of the insurgents are al qaida, the number is something like a 100 million just to kill one terrorist. there is also a bill before the iraqi legislature to open up the oil to foreign companies - see this war really was about oil.
The US should cut it losses before any more Americans die. The Iraqis will have to go it alone eventually. Let some Americans live that will die if we din't soon leave.
I am trying to make a conservative digg alternative called GOP Hub ( Anything you can do to help with this effort would be awesome. Plus feel free to submit any articles you write here on your blog :). Take care and have a great weekend!
What is frustrating is the lack of support for our soldiers and the bureaucracy that prevents the soldiers from getting the right equipment to get job done so they can come home. Please visit and sign the petition at that site to help support our troops.
It would be greatly appreciated if you and your readers could pass the word along about the American Agility program and urge every real American who cares to sign the petition. Thank you.
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